Curriculum Term 4
Curriculum Foci
Text Types:
- Information text - use of adjectives and pronouns, collating information, structural elements, purpose.
- Recount - use of adjectives, adverbs and pronouns, time connectives, ordering events.
- Persuasive (Level 2) - exposure to the text type, identifying persuasive language, creating a short persuasive text.
- Letter formation
- Starting points
- Direction
- Pencil grip
- Correct placement on dotted third lines
Spelling Rules or Sounds:
- Students will learn one spelling sound per week and/or a spelling rule.
- Eleven spelling sounds will be taught explicitly
- The spelling rules
- Prefixes and Suffixes
- Plural rule
- Homophones - they’re, their, there
Grammar and Punctuation Foci:
- Full stops
- Commas in compound/complex sentences and lists
- Capital letters
- Identifying verbs, adverbs, adjectives and noun groups (proper nouns)
- Editing skills
- Independent Reading Stamina
- Decoding strategies - being able to segment and blend sounds together
- Reading skills - rereading, fluency and expression
- Letter-Sound relationships
- Vocabulary - synonyms, building meaning
- Alphabetical order, dictionary use
- Answering literal comprehension questions by identifying the information within the text
- Non-fiction text features and purpose
- Determining between fact and fiction
- Understanding and interpreting diagrams
Number and Algebra:
- Multiplication & Division (sharing and groups of)
- Subtraction & Addition strategies
- Place value of two, three and four digit numbers: ordering, comparing, read numbers, partitioning and expanding
- Skip counting by 2s, 5s, 10s and 3s
- Number patterns
- Partners to twenty to solve addition problems
- Solving addition and subtraction equations using doubles and near doubles
- Worded problems
- Decimals and Fractions (incorporated into 'Telling the time')
Measurement and Geometry:
- Telling the time: quarter to and quarter past, half past
- Telling the time including describing duration using calendars, months, seasons, weeks, days and hours
Statistics and Probability:
- Chance: identify outcomes that are likely, unlikely, possible and impossible
Sustainability - Being Green on the Blue Planet
- Observable changes occur in the sky and landscape; daily and seasonal changes affect everyday life
- Earth’s resources are used in a variety of ways
- Weather and seasons
- People create familiar designed solutions and consider sustainability to meet personal and local community needs
Inquiry Skills: Critical and creative thinking, taking action, sharing ideas, communication, and collaboration (working in teams, offering ideas, problem solving).