Learning in Term 4 


Dear Level 1 and 2 Families and Carers,


Welcome back to Term 4, 2020. We all hope that you had a delightful holiday break and that our students are ready to return to school this term. The Level 1 and 2 teachers are incredibly eager to get back in the classroom and be with our students again.


In week 1 (5th – 10th of October), all students will be completing remote learning from home. As a team, we decided to focus our learning tasks on preparing our students for their return to school. Some of the lesson topics may include; social and emotional literacy, coping strategies, being a good friend, taking turns, sharing, etc. These topics will continue to be explicitly taught whilst back at school by being incorporated into our weekly planner.


The Level 1 and 2 teachers have gone through all curriculum areas very carefully and selected the main content areas that need to be recovered and taught again. Term 4 will mainly consist of the teaching and learning of Literacy and Numeracy, as outlined in the operational guidelines by the Department of Education. 


Teachers will continually be teaching to your child’s point of need and will directly be addressing their Term 3 learning goals. As the term progresses, we will be consistently assessing where each student is at and explicitly teaching them for their next learning goal. Extra small group sessions will be happening, whether your child is requiring extension or support in a particular area.


If you have any concerns or questions regarding the teaching and learning in Term 4 or your child’s pending return to school, please feel free to contact your child’s classroom teacher. We are always here to support your family and we will do the best we can to help from a distance!