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Congratulations to...

We're pleased to announce that Year 12 student Jesse Booker has been selected as one of three finalists for the WA School-based Apprentice of the Year award. Jesse was one of 16 finalists across five categories announced at the 2020 WA Training Awards in Perth. Well done Jesse on his outstanding achievement. The top finalist for each category will be announced at the Convention Centre on 6th October. Keep up the amazing work Jesse!


Jesse chose work experience in the building and construction industry on the recommendation of his principal, who recognised he would benefit from practical work experience alongside his formal school studies. During his Certificate II in Construction Pathways at Central Regional TAFE, Jesse very quickly discovered that he enjoyed the work, and took pride in being able to finish a job for a client and reflect on what he had accomplished. Jesse hopes to inspire other students who may struggle with certain areas in school, to become a school-based trainee.

School Forms

Forms for the Spare Part Puppet Theatre and Secondary School Camp have gone home this week. Please return the forms by the due date, and make payment via EFT to the school bank account. If you require another form, please find it attached below:


Puppet Theatre Incursion Forms

Secondary Camp Forms

School Photos

School photos will be occurring on Tuesday 20th October. You should have received a photo order envelope from your child. If you require a spare envelope or a family photo envelope, please collect one from the front office during school hours.

Never stop reading to your child, even when they can read for themselves!

Reading is a fundamental skill your child will use for the rest of their life – so why stop when they’re just getting started?

Building a love of reading in your child by reading aloud at home strengthens their language, vocabulary and comprehension skills, and improves their social skills and confidence as you listen to them read.

The quality time you will also spend with your child raises their mood and sense of wellbeing, and creates those special moments you and they will always cherish.

Build a love of reading in your child and give them the best start for a life of learning and discovery.

Find out more at