What's Been Happening?

Circus Challenge

The whole school were lucky enough to have a visit from Clinton AKA ‘Mr Circus’ last week.  The performance by the whole school last Friday was spectacular, and Community and parents commented on how well everyone did. There is a reason we invite Clinton back year after year. He’s fabulous at what he does, and the students gain so many new skills and have a really fun week. Thank you to the P&C who contributed to the funding again this year. 

Brilliant Brains

Yesterday we held our annual Family Transport day. We practiced our shape and number recognition, gross motor and money skills, and our oral language through participating in shopping activities.  Many thanks go to the support given by Bendigo Bank, Mukinbudin IGA, Dr Olat , MCG and Hutton and Northey. It was wonderful to see every Dad attend.

Scitech PP-Year 6

On the 23rd September, we had the privilege to learn and do some Scitech work. We did an introduction with the Changes Caused and Flammable Gases. Firstly, we learned about how to identify unknown gases. Then we learned which liquids are flammable. Finally, we got taught how a red cabbage has three different types of colours. Afterwards, we did a workshop on how a tablet is conducted where to go. But it doesn’t, it just goes anywhere. We did two rounds and tried to secure the tablet and not fizz for 30 seconds. With one powder for round one and two powders for round two. Each time we had water and oil.

Thanks, so much Scitech for coming and showing us that STEM is cool and exciting! Written by Jodie Priest - Year 6