What's Been Happening? 

Yr 5/6 Pasta Making Morning

Today we were rewarded with a visit from Nonna Nicoletti who taught us how to properly work and roll pasta dough along with some Italian words. It was a wonderful team effort with a production line of rolling, thinning, laying, cutting and shaping. We finished off with a big shared lunch, Italian style, feeling like one big family. It was a fun and delicious experience, thanks Nonna!

DISA Primary Athletics Carnival

The Primary DISA was held on Friday 11th September in Beacon.  This was a fabulous day for our Primary students from Kindy to Year 6 to compete against other schools.  We also had some of our Secondary students attend the carnival to assist with duties on the day, and they did a great job. Congratulations to all of the MDHS students who participated on the day and special mention to the Award winners below:

Secondary Interschool Carnival 

Dillon Croot
Dillon Croot


After competing in our High School Mini Carnival, selected students were invited to compete in the EASA Interschool Athletics Carnival in Quairading on Friday 18th September. We had 11 High School students represent Muka and they were fortunate enough to be given the opportunity to compete against other students their age from across other Wheatbelt schools. Dillon Croot won Runner Up Champion Boy for the Year 7/8 category and managed to also break TWO records!!  The 200m with a time of 27.19sec. The previous record was held by Sam Alberti from Merredin 27.33sec (2015). Dillon then broke the record for the 100m sprint in a time of 12.87sec. The previous record holder was also Sam Alberti with a time of 13.25sec.Congratulations to Dillon and to all the other High School students on what was a fabulous day!