Faith & Wellbeing 


Hello Everyone, 


Please use the following link to “safe youtube” for a special message from our family counsellor Maureen. Maureen’s message is exactly what we all need to hear to continue to motivate our children and ourselves during this time. 

Motivation during Remote Learning 2.


Happy Families is a website that my attention has been drawn to recently. Last week I sent out a link to all families in regards to a webinar specifically for Victorian parents coping with the challenges of our second strict lockdown. Please take a look at their website regularly as there are many great webinars coming up. Another one is on the 7th September called Little People, Big Feelings. 


Our school has registered to take part in National eSmart Week. eSmart is an initiative of the Alannah & Madeline Foundation and is all about building supportive and connected social environments both on and offline. 

This is our chance to shine and show all the wonderful work we have done as a school community this year. At the start of this year, who would have thought that some school would be in remote learning, and spending more time online than ever before? Our school community has done an amazing job at adapting throughout this year. 

This year’s National eSmart Week theme is Connecting Safely. The week from 6-12 September celebrates the work schools have done to connect safely. 

We’ll be in touch with some of the initiatives you can get involved in throughout this week. #eSmartWeek

In the meantime, we’d like to thank you for all that you have done to ensure that our school has kept Connecting Safely in 2020! 



Don’t forget to send in your entries to Mrs Mac by the end of Term 3. You must include:

  • The recipe name
  • Ingredients
  • Procedure
  • A picture which is optional of the food on it’s own, or a photo of you with your creation!

Best Wishes,


Georgia McNamara

Student Wellbeing Leader





Light in Darkness

At 7pm on Monday 31 August, we invite the St James Community to light a candle, stand in your front garden and spend some time in silence and prayer to remember all those who have lost their lives to Covid-19 or to violence this year. As the first night of spring begins, let us look to the future with prayer and hope. 

Take a photo and share your images online  #Stjameslight (twitter)  @stjamesbrighton3186 (Instagram)

Also email your photo to

 to share with the St James Community at an upcoming Community Prayer.


For Parish Newsletters, please refer to the new Parish Website 




Emma Herbert

RE Leader