Deputy Principal - Student Wellbeing 

Mr Greg Van Es 

The College believes that empowering more student involvement through a Student Leadership Model that has a House Forum working with a Student Representative Council allows for more genuine student involvement. 


The House Forum has a Representative from each Homeroom (where possible from each year level) that meets with their House Leader and House Captains to discuss important issues within the College that directly impact students. 


Representatives of these House Forums would then meet with a College Student Representative Council (SRC) that would consider these issues and then decide on actions and ways to address them. 


These decisions would then go back to the House Forums for explanation to House students and completion. 


This would then increase the ‘voice’ of the all students and ensure each year level had more input into decision making process. 


Attached is a rationale outlining the reasons for an SRC, the roles of the House Forum and the SRC