School News
C is for chameleon
School News
C is for chameleon
School Closures
As you will all have heard, there is a joint strike of members of NZEI and PPTA (primary and secondary school) members on Wednesday 29 May 2019. The Board has decided that the school will be closed on this day. A notice will come home this afternoon that you are asked to complete and return to school ASAP.
Please note the following:
Wednesday 29 May: School closed for strike day
Thursday 30 May: School open - rippa tournament
Friday 31 May: School closed for Teacher-only day
Monday 3 June: School closed for Queen's Birthday holiday.
School Trustee Elections
We are currently looking for candidates to stand for our Board of Trustees. Please note that we need nominations to be returned to the school by this Friday 24 May 2019 at 12pm. You are able to nominate yourself or you can nominate someone else with their permission.
This term we have two curriculum based activities happening. The first is a visit from MOTAT who will bring specialised equipment to do a STEAM unit on computational thinking with our students. Then everyone's favourite, Harold, returns to school in June.
We have organised for these events to take place at school in order to keep costs down. MOTAT costs $16 per child and Life Education is $8. We would appreciate payment as soon as possible. If you need to pay this off over a number of weeks, please contact Vicki and make arrangements.
The children have been looking at ways to prevent bullying at our school. They have looked at how it feels to be someone who feels the need to bully and someone who is bullied using the police education programme called Kia Kaha. Constable Louise Nicholas is coming to visit school next week. As part of the focus on anti-bullying the whole school took part in Pink Shirt Day.
Our netball team is well into the season's games and practices. They have won two games and lost one. Well done, everyone!
We are due to play our first Rippa games on Thursday 30 May 2019
At the moment I have 11 children registered to do the Mud Run on 2 July.
The DanceCrew had their first rehearsal last week. The booking is now open and is sold on a first come, first served basis. There are no ticket sales on the night.
The whole school is working on making birds in the style of Matt Spink.
Lionel Reekie from the Music Education Centre came into school and did a unit with the children on creating and performing music. The children (and staff) had a great time. Remember that the Music Education Centre offers music lessons at school during school hours. Phone 0800893939 if you are interested in enrolling your child.
Te Reo
The children have been working with Tina Baines on their pepeha.
I am still looking for a company that will print t-shirts for our 25th Anniversary celebrations either very cheaply or ideally for free.
Just a reminder that children need to wear plain black shorts, pants or skorts.