
Work Experience

All Year 10 students are expected to have work placement from 17th to 21st June in Term 2. Work Placement is a highlight of the Year 10 school year.

It can:

  1. assist students to decide which career path they want to take once they finish secondary school;
  2. be an opportunity for students doing a VET course to practice the skills they're learning in the work environment and complete mandatory hours set by their TAFE;
  3. help students gain their first casual or part-time job from their placement;
  4. be a good source of referees to place on a resume; and,
  5. for students considering VCAL in Year 11, it may also provide  a good contact when you are expected to be doing placement one day per week in semester 2 next year.

Please note, a placement must be completed this year to satisfy an outcome for Industry and Enterprise; a VCE unit you are completing as part of your World of Work program.


Students going out on a placement must return their forms by Friday 3rd May. This includes the separate Travel and Accommodation form if you are either travelling with your employer to different sites or if you have to live away from home during that week. This form also requires an employer and parent signature. This allows us time to ensure you have completed the correct occupational health and safety training and certificates before you go out into the workplace.


Students who do not bring back a completed form will be required to attend school where an alternative program will be scheduled. We hope this won't need to occur as we urge all students to go out and experience a week of what it's like in the workplace. It can be an exceptionally rewarding opportunity.

Think about where you can get a work placement. Ask relatives, neighbours and friends about contacts they may know of. Please note the forms are due in only a week. If you require another form, please collect from the careers room.

Forms will only be accepted if they are filled in correctly with student, parent and employer signatures and must be returned to the Careers Room by Friday 3rd May.

Please see Mrs Carroll or Ms Fenech in the Careers Room if you have any questions.

Best Practice Interviews

Last Term, Year 10 students took part in their Best Practice Interviews.  Feedback has been really positive and students did a great job.  Best Practice Interviews help to build confidence by preparing students for real life situations.  Well Done to all students involved and Thank You to everyone who helped and supported this process.