Assistant Principal (Learning)

Parent Teacher Interviews
The second round of Parent Teacher Interviews is scheduled for Thursday 11 August, from 3:30pm until 8pm. Interview bookings are still open, so if you have not yet scheduled an appointment to meet with your child’s teachers, please consider doing so. If you have any questions about the Parent Teacher Interviews, please email
2022 Independent Schools Victoria LEAD Parent Satisfaction Survey
Aitken College is taking part in the 2022 LEAD Parent Satisfaction Survey. The aim of the survey is to understand your perceptions regarding the quality of your child’s educational experience with the school. The information obtained will be used to continue our efforts to improve the quality of our programs and is an important part of our desire to better meet your child’s educational needs.
The survey is open until Friday 26 August. Further details and the survey link have been emailed to all parents and will be resent each Monday until the closing date.
We appreciate you taking the time to participate in this year’s Parent Satisfaction survey. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about it.
2023 Subject Selection for students in Years 7 to 11
Students in Years 7 to 11 have been choosing their elective subjects for 2023 this week. If your child has not yet entered their choices into the online portal, they have until Sunday night morning to do so. Details of elective subject options and the login details for entering choices have been emailed to all students.
Please take the time to discuss your child’s choices with them. One of the most important factors to consider is that academic success is most easily obtained when students are studying subjects they enjoy and feel passionate about. Please encourage your child to follow their areas of interest when considering their 2023 program.
PISA Assessment
Parents of some Year 8, 9 and 10 students will have received information from me via email about the 2022 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). These students will be participating in the assessment on Tuesday 16 August. Each participating student will be required to complete a skills test in reading comprehension, mathematics, science and financial literacy. They will also complete a detailed survey about their attitudes to school and their future aspirations. The test does not require any preparation and the results are reported back to PISA in a way which does not identify the individual students.
Aitken College is one of many Australian schools which have been selected to participate in the 2022 PISA Assessment. Participation in this assessments is an obligation of all schools under the Australian Education Act 2013. International assessments provide a wide range of valuable information for education policy and review in Australia and overseas and also enable Australia to consider the performance of our education system compared with others. The results this year are particularly important in gaining an understanding of the impact of the pandemic on the academic development of students all over the world.
The participating students have an important role in representing all students in Australia. They will each be making a valuable contribution to the education community both nationally and internationally.
If you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Ms Kerri Batch
Assistant Principal (Learning)