Deputy Principal

Mr Kim Forward
Mask Wearing and RAT Kits
The College appreciates families’ support with the request emailed recently for students in Year 4 and above to wear masks indoors. If students and staff wear masks as much as possible then our school community will benefit from the enhanced protection from COVID-19, influenza and other respiratory infections.
A reminder that students can request a RAT kit from their school Administration office or Reception. Fairview parents are welcome to collect a kit from Reception.
Student Wardrobe Update
Updates have been made to the Student Wardrobe Policy; it can be found in My Aitken and on the Aitken College website. In particular, girls may now wear either tights or short/long navy socks with winter uniform.
Parenting Resources has lots of resources for parenting children and teenagers. Go to
Michel Grose is presenting a webinar titled “Changing parenting gears for the teenage years” on Wednesday 31 August at 8.00pm. There is no charge for Aitken parents. See the flyer attached here. are offering free webinars in August for parents on understanding and managing popular children’s apps such as TikTok, Instagram and Snapchat. See information and dates in the attached flyer.