School Sports Victoria (SSV)

Year 9/10 Winter Sports Day
On Monday 25 July students from Year 9 and 10 represented Aitken College in School Sports Victoria Woodlands Division Term Three round robin day. They competed against a number of schools within the Hume City Council. The results from the day are listed below.
Girls Basketball:
Game: School: Result
1 Roxburgh Park Won
2 Gladstone Park Lost
3 Sirius Won
4 Hume Central Won
Boys Basketball:
Game: School: Result
1 Sirius Won
2 Hume Central Won
3 Gladstone Park Lost
4 Roxburgh Park Won
Girls Table Tennis:
Game: School: Result
1 Sirius Won
2 Gladstone Park Won
Boys Table Tennis:
Game: School: Result
1 Gladstone Park Won
2 Sirius Lost
All teams participated well and with great sportsmanship. Congratulations to the girls table tennis team who have progressed to the next round on 12 October. This is the last round of sport for the Intermediate students this year. I look forward to seeing all students participating again in 2023
Students and parents can keep up to date with the latest information, sports dates and rules, via the School Sports Victoria website
Mr Jason Mackrell & Mr Dean Taylor
Inter- School Sports Coordinators