
Year 10 Students
Careers interviews with Year 10 students are mostly complete. It has been fascinating to hear the plans for the future being made by our Year 10 students. We have very much appreciated the time, care and thought they have put into the preparation for their Careers interview and the research into their immediate future in Year 11. Careers staff are very much looking forward to watching the progress of these students through Brookhill and hearing about the decisions they make in Year 12 for life beyond Aitken. Thank you to the Life Skills/Homeroom teachers for all their hard work with the students and their assistance during this interview period.
Year 11 Students
Year 11 students are welcome to pop into B21, or send Careers staff an email, if they have queries about their subject choices for Year 12 in 2023.
Year 12 students
One-on-one ‘Pathways Post Aitken’ interviews with Careers staff for VCE students will commence next Tuesday after the VTAC Information Night on Monday 8 August at 7:30pm via Zoom. This Information Night is a ‘must attend’ evening for the students planning to input a VTAC application for 2023 entry to tertiary courses. A link to the evening will be sent shortly.
A lot of information is currently being sent out by universities, TAFE institutes and Independent Tertiary Colleges (ITC). Although this can be a bit overwhelming and students are already very busy with their Year 12 studies, it is essential students at least skim this information to determine whether it is relevant so they don’t miss vital cut-off dates or other important information.
Timely VTAC applications need to be submitted by Monday 26 September (so there is plenty of time). We are hoping all potential VTAC applicants will have submitted their “first draft” of their preferences by the end of this term. Careers staff will be assisting students with this process. A reminder that Special Entry and Access (SEAS) applications, including any necessary Supporting Statements and other documentation, must be submitted by 5:00pm on Friday 7 October. No late applications can be accepted.
Open Days
Open Days are currently taking place at universities and TAFEs (mostly on Sundays in August). It is very important for students to visit campuses of the institutions they are interested in attending for many reasons, to see if they ‘like the look and feel of the place’, to ask questions of staff and current students and obtain detailed information about the courses which interest them, to view the facilities available and to learn about life on campus.
Year 10 Careers Panel
Friday 15 July 2022
The Careers Panel is an annual event aiming support to support Year 10 students as they navigate the subject selection process and begin thinking a little more deeply about options beyond Aitken. The panelists showcase amazing and diverse achievements across a range of industries and interests. The activity is intended to also serve as a reminder to current Year 10 students that although these decisions are important, they simply represent the ‘next’ step, and are not ‘forever’ choices.
Our 2022 guest speakers, all of whom are Aitken Alumni, spoke with passion about their jobs/courses/pathways beyond school and in doing so encouraged current Year 10s to show initiative and build resilience. Each of the panellists outlined their senior school programme, referenced some twists and turns in their own careers and nominated their favourite Aitken teacher!
In various ways each of the speakers made clear their affection for the College and their appreciation of the academic, professional and personal goals they’d been able to realise thanks to the care and advice received whilst a student at Aitken.
Charlotte Butcher (VCE 2015) completed her Bachelor Communications (Swinburne) and has taken every opportunity to complete industry placements and internships as part of her studies. Pre COVID, she really enjoyed her industry-based learning with QANTAS. Charlotte’s excellent communication skills and love of people made her a perfect ‘fit’ for this course. Her current role is with Boeing (Communications & Branding Specialist) and brings together her passion for all things media/marketing and aviation.
When Tim Crole (VCAL Cert II Animal Studies 2013) decided to do VCAL, he had a very different agenda to most. Totally passionate about animals, Tim knew he didn’t want to go to university or need an ATAR. Unable to join us live during our panel presentation, we watched a video available on the Zoos Victoria website which shows Tim at his best, sharing his knowledge of the Aldabra Giant Tortoise. The presentation was fascinating and illustrated Tim’s thorough professionalism, dedication, and extensive knowledge of this specialist subject matter. Gaining employment with Zoos Victoria is highly competitive and Tim’s ability to secure this position and undertake such a high-profile role is a credit to him.
Laura Mc Coullough (VCE 2015) completed Year 12 with a self-awareness that she was a very much a Maths/Science kind of person. Although she knew she loved Biology and Maths, it was difficult to imagine what job that might lead to. Laura’s decision to undertake a Bachelor of Science (University of Melbourne) gave her the scope to explore a range of science disciplines and specialise in an area of particular interest. Laura majored in Biology and is now undertaking PhD (University of Melbourne) studies. Her research explores a potential cure for diabetes. Before too long we hope that we’ll be inviting Dr Laura McCoullough back to the College.
Keely Davies (VCE 2015) originally considered a career in Speech Pathology as she knew she wanted a job which was going to help people. As a result, Keely researched this and a range of other ‘health science’ occupations. In discovering Occupational Therapy, Keely soon realised this was perfect for her as the role can be best described as a combination of physiotherapy and social work. She successfully completed the Bachelor of Occupational Therapy degree at (La Trobe) and is now loving her job with Northern Health. Keely was eager to take time away from the role and let audience members know what a wonderfully satisfying, diverse and important job Occupational Therapists undertake.
For the ‘veteran’ of the panel, Audrey Nania (VCE 2004), it was a sobering thought that the Year 10 students in the audience had not been born when she undertook Year 12. After finishing school, Audrey completed her undergraduate studies at RMIT with a Bachelor of Business (Marketing) whilst working as a casual in retail at Decjuba (women’s fashion). Her degree led to a role with the NAB and she worked in banking for almost four years. Despite being very successful in this position, Audrey knew that the banking industry was not for her. Finally acknowledging that her most favourite thing had been working in retail fashion Audrey began an MBA (Masters in Business Administration) and once again commenced employment with Decjuba. Audrey is now the Chief Operating Officer for Decjuba and her story provides a perfect example of the ‘transferability’ of business qualifications across all industries. It also serves as a reminder to ‘listen to that inner voice’.
Hamish Balzan (VCE 2010) completed Year 12 in 2010. In returning to the College for this presentation, he was astounded by the housing developments which have become close neighbours to Aitken, which was once known as the ‘Farm School’ given its isolation. As an Urban Planner, Hamish had plenty of thoughts on these developments and was able to share with audience members, a ‘day in the life of an urban planner’, outlining the personal qualities and skill set required. Hamish completed the Bachelor of Urban & Regional Planning (Hons) at RMIT and now works for Urban Edge Consultants Pty Ltd.
With approximately 150 students in Year 10, it’s obviously impossible to have speakers to cover the entire range of career interests of the cohort. However, common themes and messages were evident throughout the presentation and form the basis of sound advice which will stand the test of time as students move through Brookhill:
- Think about your interests/talents, and try to identify something that you really enjoy doing
- Give yourself every chance to be the ‘best version’ of you by taking advantage of the huge range of opportunities and extracurricular activities offered by the College and in the broader community
- Do your research; attend Open Days when possible and check tertiary websites for course and career information
In years to come, it’s to be hoped that members in our 2022 Year 10 audience will be guest speakers on future Year 10 Careers panels as Aitken Alumni choose once again to ‘pay it forward’.
Many thanks to all concerned for contributing to, what was another unique and wonderful event intended to assist Year 10 students in planning for the journey ahead.
Career News 11
Career News Issue 11 is now available and includes information about:
- Open Days
- The new University of Melbourne course planner tool
- A new Bachelor Arts at Deakin University
- The ACU Industry webinars
- ACU Year 12 Revision webinars
- The Price Waterhouse Coopers Higher Apprenticeship Program
- The Bachelor Accident Forensics at CQ University
- ACU Diploma courses as pathways to Bachelor degrees
- A career as a Paramedic
- Courses offered at the new VU City campus
- Health Science degrees in Victoria
- Science degrees in Victoria
- New for 2023, a Bachelor Arts / Masters Teaching (Secondary) at ACU
- The VTAC Year 12 Guide
- VET in the VCE
- The CASPer (for entry to undergraduate Teaching qualifications)
- Studying a Common First Year in Engineering
- Cyber Security courses in Victoria
- Human Resources courses in Victoria
- The Hume 101 Life Hack Program
and much much more.
Careers Newsletter on My Aitken
Career News is written and published fortnightly and is available via My Aitken / Resources / School Life / Aitken News / Careers Newsletter / Careers Newsletters – 2022 Editions:
Contact Details
Please contact us via email:
Mrs Clare Borg & Ms Rae Gibbs
Careers Counsellors