Principal's Message

Dear Parents/Carers,


Welcome back for the start of term three for all our families and in particular, our three new families, a special welcome to our school community.


Thank you to those families who kept an eye on the Grounds during the recent Break. This was very much appreciated.


We will continue to be practising the recommendations from the Education Department regarding COVID awareness and promoting with students, hygiene habits. Information regarding the new batch of RATS to be given out to families will be emailed home once they arrive.


Ms Tingle is out on Leave until week five and we thank senior staff, Mrs Kitson, Mrs Johnson, Mrs Walker, Mrs John and Mrs Wright for being available to experience some leadership opportunities during this time. In weeks three and four Mrs Walker will be in the office on Mondays-Wednesdays and Mrs Wright on Thursdays and Fridays.


Working with Ms Henderson this term will be an Artist in Residence who specialises in ceramics. Jenny Dawson runs a studio at Bathers’ Beach. Funding for this program is through an Arts grant that Nyanda, one of our parents from the P&C put together in 2021. We thank Nyanda for the time and effort that went into putting it together.

This is an exciting art project which will see our Year 1-6 students produce two ceramic tiles each, one of which will be part of an art piece for an exterior wall of the covered assembly area. It is hoped that the project will be completed in January. We hope to include our Pre Primary students in some way also.


A small pallet of pavers arrived today. They are the ones that families bought at the fete last year. Now that they are engraved, we hope to install them shortly, around the bell.


Planning is underway for our athletics carnival. Thank you to John our gardener, who is currently organising a new long jump pit for us. With the Commonwealth games commencing this weekend there is no shortage of enthusiasm.








Good luck to our representatives for the Interschool Cross Country event scheduled 

for Tuesday at North Fremantle oval.


Our year 4 students recently sat for possible selection in the Education Department PEAC program. Students who qualify through testing have the opportunity to undertake extension work one day a week out of school at a PEAC centre for years 5 and 6. [Primary Extension and Challenge program.]


Swimming lessons for years PP-Year 3/4 commence in week 5 at State Swim in East Fremantle. There will be three groups travelling over by bus during the day.


After swimming lessons, we will have a week long Rock Stars maths tables promotion and also a week dedicated to promoting Science.Thank you to our P&C for allocating funds to enable all 12 classes to participate in the Einstein’s Science incursions.


This term there will be Assemblies run by Room 11 [11/8], Room 2 [1/9] and Room 8 [15/9] as well as a Music Assembly on Tuesday the 20th of September. Our Book Week parade will be held on Friday morning the 2nd of September.


We request that families not bring dogs onto the school grounds at drop off/pick up or tie them up at entrances, as a safety precaution for all students. Thank you for your understanding with this.


Thank you to Gemma for all of her organisation with the recent uniform ordering. Well done on a great job!


With the support of the P&C the school now has a ‘Heart Sine’ defibrillator. It is located in our medical room. Many of our staff are first aid trained to administer the equipment. Thanks go out to Kate from the P&C who has worked with the school to source and PD staff in how to use it.


Welcome to our two new speech pathologists who have been assigned to our school this term along with the two pre-service teachers undertaking their training with us.



Glenn Rondoni
