Joeys Yarning Space

We acknowledge and pay respect to the traditional custodians,
past and present of this land of the Aniawan, Banbai, Dunghatte,
Jukambal, Kambawal, Weraera, Kamilaroi, Ngoogabrul and Gumbaynggir as acknowledged by Armidale Lands Council, people who long before us lived,
loved and raised their children on this land.
We also acknowledge all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families
in our community and acknowledge their deep physical
and spiritual connections to the land.
Yaama Mob!
Over the last few weeks we have started to implement a Gamilaraay language lesson with Yrs 4-6! Having the children learn the language of the land on which they live, learn and play is fundamental in bridging the gap between cultures. It brings greater connections and perspectives for them to carry into their futures and be the change!
Last week they learnt what their star totem is and how we are all connected to each other in aboriginal culture. This week we will be learning our names in Gamilaraay and moving on to body parts and numbers!
Growing minds and sharing culture.
Mrs. Whalan.
Kahlia Whalan
A.E.A St . Joseph's Warialda