Principal's News

Parents and Friends Committee
We recently elected our Interim Parents and Friends Committee for 2022. The meeting was led by Cathy Ible (Parent Engagement Officer, CSO Armidale) took who led us through the Constitution and the election of the committee. This committee will stand until the end of the year. The next Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place in Term 1 2023 to bring us in line with the other schools in the diocese.
Congratulations to our committee members are:
President: Danni Perrett
Vice President: Cherie Mundkowski
Secretary: Beck Rose
Treasurer: Connie Mundkowski
Canteen: Naomi Jones
Regular Attendance - "Every day Counts"
We thank our parents for notifying us when the children are absent from school. Our school roll is marked electronically at 9 am each morning through the COMPASS portal.
It is important that you add an 'attendance note' on Compass or contact us if your child is absent from school.
The daily attendance information can be viewed as a graph on the school's Data Ecosystem. The current rate of student attendance in our diocese is 92%. Our school falls below this mark and this can be due to a protracted illness, the children returning to school while sick or through unexplained absences.
A day away from school here or there doesn’t seem like much but absences add up.
When your child misses one day per fortnight,
they miss upwards of 4 weeks per year which equates
to one year missed over their school life.
from NSW Government - Education
School Surveys
The company Survey My School will email all parents this year's survey on Monday the 22nd of August. The survey closes on Wednesday the 31st of August. We would like to hear from all parents and appreciate you completing the survey before it closes.
Minecraft Bees
We have started working on our Honey Festival's "Minecraft Bee art installation". The children will be working on two "bees"; one for Kinder to Year 2 and one for Years 3-6. We will also have an aboriginal-themed bee that will be decorated by our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students.
We have a spare foam block and invite all parents and friends to decorate this one. Contact Lisa if you would like to come up to our hall one afternoon to work with others on this project.
Diocesan Athletics - Tamworth
We wish Matilda, Filippa, Katana, Isabel, Lewis, Hallie and Charlie all the best for the Diocesan Athletics Carnival on Friday the 12th of August. Lisa Moore will be accompanying the students.
Kinder 2023 Transition
Kodi joined David and Bella for our Kinder 2023 transition last week. They made craft caterpillars after we read The Very Hungry Caterpillar and took part in PreLit and a Maths and Religion lesson.
Here is our Term 3 Transition flyer:
Wishing you a great week.
Joe Dimech