Star of the Week

Term 3 - Week 3

Foundation/Year 1

Mr Enright: 

Lucas Guy for consistently putting effort into his work, creating fantastic writing pieces. Well done Lucas!


Miss Turk:

Otelia Monarawila for showing excellent progression with her reading this week. 

Well done Otelia, you are a star!!


Mr Morrison:

Xander Casayuran for his great reading and always changing and 

challenging himself with new readers.  Well done Xander! 


Miss Finn:

Matty Atkinson for consistently making the effort to complete his work. Well done Matty


Years 1/2


Mr Almond:

Alesana Wallace for her improvement in remembering her sight words.


Mrs Jones:

Aubrey Orr for trying his best to have a go at sounding out new words in Writing.


Mr Cameron:

Elsie Lamb for her very fantastic piece of writing about her favourite planet.


Mr Kelly:

Angelo Maoe for coming in each morning and making the most of his

 Independent Reading time which has helped him improve his Reading in general.


Years 3/4


Mr O'Hara

Charlotte Hanlon-Pollard

For being respectful of others and responsive during guided reading.


Mr Maskell:

Mary Lubadi for continuing to be a positive and friendly student that 

helps to resolve conflict between her peers.


Mrs Weber/Mr Wild:

Brodie Cela for his thoughtful responses during Literacy, using our class text 

“The 27th Annual African Hippopotamus Race”.


Mrs Dainton:

Fidel for his many Writing pieces in our Hippo Race class reading text. 

He is creative, edits his work and is always pleased to have it published.   Well Done!


Mr Howley:

Ridhi Chandwani for her creative story based on the 

“The 27th Annual African Hippopotamus Race”.



Years 5/6


Mr Beks:

Mia He for being a kind and generous student and always 

thinking of others before herself.


Mr Lindon:

Robert Segrave for showing great work ethic and improvement in how he 

conducts himself in the classroom setting.


Mr Dyminski:

Ellia Black for always being resilient with her learning and expanding her understanding.


Mr Thompson:

Dominic Roberts for creating a very detailed and informative information report. 


Miss Mangiameli:

Oliver Archer Wallbridge for excellent work in his maths work and

learning this week!  Keep up the great work Oliver!



Term 3 - Week 4

Foundation/Year 1


Mr Enright: 

Ava Laity for great reading and writing on our mini creature class focus. 

Great work Ava!


Miss Turk:

Ruby Elsley for wonderful persistence with her sounds. 

You are doing an excellent job Ruby, I am very proud!


Mr Morrison:

Eli Thomas for Completing great pieces of writing and challenging himself by 

writing and spelling new words.  Keep it up Eli!


Miss Finn:

Awarded to Archie M for always having a go with a positive attitude. 

Keep it up Archie!


Years 1/2


Mr Almond:

Levi Black for always completing his work with a positive attitude and 

to a high standard of quality.


Mrs Jones:

Jack Grimes for showing enthusiasm towards learning new multiplication strategies.


Mr Cameron:

Elsie Lamb for her very fantastic piece of writing about her favourite planet. 


Mr Kelly:

Angelo Maoe for coming in each morning and making the most of his Independant Reading time which has helped him improve his Reading in general.



Years 3/4


Mr O'Hara:

Kueth Agog for his amazing work demonstrating how to rule lines of length.


Mr Maskell:

Kerry Zhang for being a quiet and hard working student.  

Kerry reads aloud and demonstrates good voice and fluency. 


Mrs Weber/Mr Wild:

Peyton Van Houts for her enthusiasm during her small group maths work with Mr Iorianni. Fabulous effort Peyton! 


Mr Howley:

Ayak Riak for her neat work throughout the week.

Ayak also produced a very interesting story about Sebastian.


Mrs Dainton:

Evie Gale for her persistence in her Maths work.  Evie will persist and keep trying to understand the processes and is  determined to keep going till she is  successful!



Years 5/6

Mr Beks:

Sven Ausejo for really improving in all areas of literacy since the start of the year and for being a hard worker in class.


Mr Lindon:

Manavdeep Singh for always having a positive attitude towards his learning and respecting all members of the classroom.


Mr Dyminski:

Jessie Kabangu for always presenting immaculate bookwork and stamina in 

all areas of her learning.


Mr Thompson:

Awarded to Shelby Kapperer.  Shelby has been role modeling leadership qualities to

all within our 5/6 classroom.


Miss Mangiameli:

Liyana Kahn for using her voice and participating in class, 

learning and building on her confidence.  Well done Liyana!