A message from our Principal

Dear St. Brendan's School Community,
I would like to thank Joel Brian (Deputy Principal) for all his work and organisation when I had two weeks Long Service Leave at the start of the term. Thanks to our Leadership Team and teachers for the support given to Joel.
We had a lovely time in Darwin, with beautiful warm 30 degree weather every day. It was a lovely opportunity to catch up with my sister and her husband from Perth. It has been over three years since we had seen each other.
It was lovely coming back in School and greeted so warmly by students, staff and parents.
Congratulations to Millie Casey and Grant on the safe arrival of a beautiful son,
Ned Thomas. Staff and children were all very excited about the news.
Parent-Teacher Conversations
The Parent-Teacher Conversations were well attended in all areas.
By offering either a face to face or a phone call interview, we found this gave parents a great choice, with some classes having their preferred choice as a phone call. This assisted parents that had sick children at home. Please contact your child's teacher if you need to arrange an appointment time.
Library Books
Thanks to parents who assisted in covering books for use in the Library. Children are enjoying the new books purchased from the Parents and Friends Book Fair.
Professional Development Day
Last Friday all staff were involved in Professional Development with Andrea Hillbrick, external Educational Consultant that we have been working with during the last few years.
Staff worked together on Engaging Writers and Andrea provided fantastic ideas and resources. Staff also spent time on Teaching Vocabulary, Oral language and fluency.
Teachers spent time in their teams planning different Literacy Units. A very engaging day for staff.
Hope you all have a great weekend.
Yours sincerely
Paula Stevenson - Principal