Principal's Report

Naplan Preliminary Data

100 Days of Foundation

School Councillor Required

At Albany Rise Primary School, we have a strong focus on our 3 core values; Respect, Responsibility and Resilience. Over the past few weeks, students in all year levels have provided input into the revised School Wide Positive Behaviour matrix, which outlines the positive behaviours we see in various areas of the school, and how these behaviours are enacted through using our school values.  Students have been very thoughtful and have shown a positive outlook when developing this SWPBS matrix, which will continue to form the basis for our Code of Conduct, Values Statement (recently reviewed by School Council) and all of our classroom expectations for learning. Parents who would like some input into the behaviours they would like to see through our core Values, are encouraged to make contact with classroom teachers or myself so we have the opportunity to have all members of our community involved an understanding how our values relate to our daily actions in all areas of the school.

NAPLAN Preliminary Data

Schools received preliminary NAPLAN data this week. As we moved to an online test in 2022 the ‘big picture’ data can be made available a lot earlier to schools than previous years. Our results when compared to previous years are pleasing and show that despite disruptions to learning our students are progressing well. We’re thrilled that across the tests of Reading and Numeracy that we have a large percentage of students in both Year 3 and Year 5 achieving at or above the national minimum standard, and many students in the top 2 bands:

Reading Year 3 (at or above national minimum standard)  - 97%

Maths Year 3 3 (at or above national minimum standard)  – 81%

Reading Year 5 3 (at or above national minimum standard)   – 90%

Numeracy Year 5 3 (at or above national minimum standard)  – 97%


Individual data is not yet ready and we expect will be distributed in early September.


100 Days of Foundation

Our Preps are looking forward to celebrating their 100th day of school on Thursday 11th August. This is a big milestone for our Preps, and a marvellous celebration of their first year at school. I visit our prep classes nearly every day and am constantly amazed at their progress and learning development. Many of them have been able to learn their letters and the corresponding sounds (phonics) and are now moving on to using this understanding as they learn to read. It’s a great credit to their teachers and parents to see our Preps progressing so well.


School Council

School Council is still seeking a parent member for a casual vacancy. Members of School council provide a vital conduit to the parent community and allow School Council to make informed decisions about programs, policies and facilities with strong input form our parent community. I encourage any member of our parent community who would like to consider joining School Council, to please come and speak to me about it or call the school office.