From the Principal

Leila Mattner 

Concert  and  Wakakirri 

Good luck to our Year 5 and 6 students who all participate in Wakakirri tomorrow. These students will perform at the Adelaide Entertainment Centre on Thursday evening. This experience will stay with the students for a lifetime. The teachers involved have worked incredibly hard to make this happen, including a huge amount of after-hours work. Later this term, we will also celebrate the performances of our Year 1-4 classes, at our annual Concert. Please pay special attention to information from the admin staff and teachers in the lead up to this event. 10 classes will be involved this year and due to current restrictions, Concert will work in a similar way to 2021. Final confirmation will be depending on density requirements later this term, but at this stage we will have two classes perform live each afternoon over the course of a week. These performances will begin at 2.10pm allowing for pick up to take place following the show. We envisage using Monday- Thursday of Week 10 for these performances. Early in Week 9 we will provide a livestream of the entire performance on our closed Facebook group. If you are not a member of this group, please join in the coming weeks. Even if you do not see the performance ‘live’, it will be shared with families to watch at your leisure.


Leila Mattner | Principal