A Term Full of Memorable Moments

Moments that are very special to Our Team!

What A Term!

Congratulations to all students and staff for a successful term.  

Once again, we’ve had a jam packed few weeks. Please don’t forget that you can follow our stories on  Facebook as we love to share with our LNSC community. Here are some of the updates since our previous newsletter.

On Saturday 24th June, Tim Cottrell, Alycia Benincasa, Kathy Boca, Chris Danher, Mary Van Putten and I attended the combined Lalor North & Lalor Secondary College Debutante. Tim and I felt privileged to present the debutantes with their flowers and medals. We enjoyed a beautiful evening with our community as we danced to the music of many cultures in celebration of our young people. Thank you, Anastasia, Dana, and Louise for our special invitations to attend and celebrate this special evening with you and your families.

Principal Tim Cottrell with Debutants, Anastasia, Dana and Louise
Presenting the Debutants and their partners, Tim Cottrell and Selen Atilla
Lalor North Secondary College Staff that attended the evening
Our staff enjoying the debutant ball
Principal Tim Cottrell with Debutants, Anastasia, Dana and Louise
Presenting the Debutants and their partners, Tim Cottrell and Selen Atilla
Lalor North Secondary College Staff that attended the evening
Our staff enjoying the debutant ball
World Refugee Day
World Refugee Day

In recent days, our student leaders and Matt Tucker organised a fund raiser to raise awareness for World Refugee Day. Our students of many cultures brought food along to share with their peers, raised funds and collected essential supplies such as toothpaste and toothbrushes. Congratulations Matt and LNSC students on a successful event. 





Congratulations to Matt Tucker, Year 9 teachers and students who developed their first personalised inquiry project through the Dynamic Learning Program. Thank you to the families who joined in the fun. 

Year 9 Dynamic Learning Project, Parent visitors with Matt Tucker and Assistant Principal Selen Atilla
Year 9 Dynamic Learning Project, Parent visitors with Matt Tucker and Assistant Principal Selen Atilla
Personal Dynamic Learning Project
Personal Dynamic Learning Project
Personal Dynamic Learning Project
Personal Dynamic Learning Project
Personal Dynamic Learning Project
Personal Dynamic Learning Project
Personal Dynamic Learning Project
Personal Dynamic Learning Project
Personal Dynamic Learning Project
Personal Dynamic Learning Project
Personal Dynamic Learning Project
Personal Dynamic Learning Project

Congratulations to Andrew Sivakumaran who led a successful round of Australian Business Week with our Year 11 students. Students used the business simulator to develop their own business concept and run their business generating profit/loss along the way. Congratulations to all teams as you were all winners! However, a special shout out goes to ‘3 Peeks’ for their overall win.

Australian Business Week with our Year 11 students
Australian Business Week with our Year 11 students
Australian Business Week with our Year 11 students.
Australian Business Week with our Year 11 students
Australian Business Week with our Year 11 students
Australian Business Week with our Year 11 students.
Australian Business Week with our Year 11 students.
Australian Business Week with our Year 11 students.
Australian Business Week with our Year 11 students.
Australian Business Week with our Year 11 students.
Assistant Selen Atilla with Snr School Engagement Leader Mr Andrew Sivakumaran
The Judges and participants in the ABW program
Australian Business Week with our Year 11 students.
Australian Business Week with our Year 11 students.
Australian Business Week with our Year 11 students.
Australian Business Week with our Year 11 students.
Assistant Selen Atilla with Snr School Engagement Leader Mr Andrew Sivakumaran
The Judges and participants in the ABW program
Pyjama Day at Lalor North Secondary College for Year 12 students
Pyjama Day at Lalor North Secondary College for Year 12 students

Thank you to Chris Danher for organising the GAT and Year 12 Pyjama Day for our students. After a couple of weeks of  formal assessments, Year 12 students didn’t think twice about coming to school in their pyjamas! Thanks to Jes and Harry for the food and hot chocolates. 


Thank you to all staff, students and families for attending the Senior School Information evening. Subject selection will commence early next term. Please look out for Compass posts regarding important dates. We will provide as much support as possible to support our students so that they feel informed in readiness for 2024. Hope to see as many families as possible on these special days.

Our Information Evening for students with their parents to plan their paths into the senior years
Director of Pedagogy, Assesment and Reporting, Humanities Domain Leader Ms Sharon Scopel & Middle School Engagement Leader, Enis Tuncer
Our Information Evening for students with their parents to plan their paths into the senior years
Director of Pedagogy, Assesment and Reporting, Humanities Domain Leader Ms Sharon Scopel & Middle School Engagement Leader, Enis Tuncer

The fun continued all the way to the end of term. Even though our students had class assessments and formal exams to conclude the end of semester, this didn’t deter staff and students from having fun. As I walked around the school during lunch time towards the end of term, I could see staff engaged in all sorts of sports and games with our students. Just another day at Lalor North! 

Congratulations once again LNSC! Wishing you all a safe and relaxing break.

The self proclaimed "Dream Team"... 1.0 as it is growing
The self proclaimed "Dream Team"... 1.0 as it is growing
Mr Peter Olah schools some Year 12 Students on the Mathematical equations in Table tennis!
Mr Peter Olah schools some Year 12 Students on the Mathematical equations in Table tennis!