Planning for the Future

You always have a "What do I do Next!" Talk to Your Teachers.

Thank you to all staff, students and families for attending the Senior School Information evening. Subject selection will commence early next term. Please look out for Compass posts regarding important dates. We will provide as much support as possible to support our students so that they feel informed in readiness for 2024. Hope to see as many families as possible on these special days.

Ms Sharon Scopel & Mr Enis Tuncer
Standing room only on the night
Ms Sharon Scopel & Mr Enis Tuncer
Standing room only on the night
Almost every 'body' had a question about what subject they would like to choose
Plenty of information to have students make an informed decision on course direction
Almost every 'body' had a question about what subject they would like to choose
Plenty of information to have students make an informed decision on course direction