Library News

Welcome Back to Term Three

There are lots of exciting things happening in the Library this term.

Last week the Grade 5 and 6 students were lucky enough to host Melbourne Author George Ivanoff in their classrooms. George spoke to them about the writing process, his novel Monster Island and also his Choose Your Own Adventure series. 

It was a great morning enjoyed by students and staff.







This year the CBCA  (Children's Book Council of Australia) theme for Book Week is Read, Grow, Inspire



Book Week Parade - Thursday 24th August more details to follow.


The Blurbs will be performing Friday 25th of August starting at 9:30am

(they are the band we had at the Botanical Gardens earlier this year).


Grades Prep to Grade 2 will be entertained by Perform Education with a performance of Book Week titles on Monday 28th of August at 9:15am.


Prior to the holidays I emailed parents regarding their students overdue books. Could you please contact the library if you have been unable to find these books.


Keep reading!

-Mrs Lister 😊