
Green Magpies and Green Gurruks

National Tree Planting Day

On Sunday 16th July we participated in our local tree planting day at Streamside Reserve, Huntly. Thank-you to the parents and students who rolled their sleeves up on a glorious sunny winter's day and planted hundreds of shrubs by a very well organised event, conducted by the Northern Landcare Group.


Phoenix & Family
Soph & Immy
Soph, Immy and Dad
Mr D, Mrs Davey & Allens
McKinnon Family
Phoenix & Family
Soph & Immy
Soph, Immy and Dad
Mr D, Mrs Davey & Allens
McKinnon Family

Rejuvenating the Bush Tucker Garden

Thank-you to the students, parents and grandparents from the Green Gurruks who came in to help finish preparing the soil for planting during the holidays. We also added the coals from our Smoking Ceremony in Febuary. The last step will be Spring planting in the not too distant future. We even attracted the interest from students from other schools who were enrolled in the school holiday program and they came and helped too!

OSHC kids!
Lachie and Archie
'Working' in the ute!
Coals Added
Wicks Family
OSHC kids!
Lachie and Archie
'Working' in the ute!
Coals Added
Wicks Family


B&B Highway...coming Epsom's way next week!


We are excited to share that the Grade 3 students have been chosen to participate in an exciting, free event happening in Week 3 (Tuesday 25th July). We were successful in a submission to participate in the B & B Highway Program (Bed and Breakfasts for Biodiversity: Bees, Birds, Butterflies, Bats, etc....see attached for more details). 


All Grade 3 students will participate - for free - here at Epsom for the whole day. There will be 3 different sessions - including tree planting! How exciting! 

The Green Magpie Teachers have specifically chosen our beautiful Grade 3s and we think they'll have an engaging, fun and busy day with all of the bustling around with their best  friends and building things for biodiversity. We will all be ready and bouncing off the walls with excitement for Week 3. 

We look forward to sharing some photos in the Week 6 Newsletter.


Bye bye for now!