Specialist Subjects


Physical Education

Another busy term for PE in Term 3. Our students have started the term with footy, whilst preparing for the 5/6 Division Footy on the 25 & 26th of July. We also have our Division Netball on the 19th of July, with a boys and mixed team looking forward to the competition. A big thanks to Mrs Davey, Ms Spear and Ms Pedretti for coaching them each week and to Zenda McConnell for giving up her own time to provide some extra team sessions. 



We also have Jump Rope For Heart this term. I will have more information for families soon but this is a huge project for a fantastic cause. We last participated in 2021 and our students did an awesome job, so I'm hoping to beat it this time round. 


On Wednesday our grade 5 & 6 Netball teams competed in the Division tournament at Red Energy Arena. Our Girls team gained some good experience against some quality Div. 1 teams, whilst our Mixed team, with a lot of students unfamiliar to the sport, won two games against K Flat and Eaglehawk North. 


Last term our Grade 5/6 Soccer teams competed in the Division Comp. in the last week of term. Both teams did really well with both teams only losing one game eacah for the day. Photos below âš½

Upcoming PE dates:

  • Division Netball - July  19th (Term 3)
  • Division AFL - July 25 & 26 (Term 3)
  • Prep -2 Swim Lessons @ Paul Sadler - August 14-18 (Term 3)
  • Division Basketball - August 30 (Term 3)




We have been practicing our "fingerspelling" for names and places. We have found the most difficult letters C, K, Q, R, and S. 


Here is what we found out why they are so tricky:



C: is produced with the dominant hand which looks backwards for right handed people.



K: (there are 2 different ways to sign ‘K’) hold up both pointer fingers and bend your dominant one, then either bend this finger forward to place the knuckle on your non-dominant finger or cross your hands and place your knuckle on the back of your pointer.


Q: you make a circle with your non-dominant thumb and forefinger then place your dominant pointer finger on it.



R: you bend your dominant pointer finger and place it on your other palm with your finger pointing towards your elbow.


 (this will look backwards for right handed people).



S: you stick your little fingers together with your dominant palm facing downwards and your non-dominant facing upwards. 




The rehearsals for the Grade 4-6 Production, "Unprecedented", are well underway. Singers and rappers have been assigend for the songs. Actors have been allocated for the scenes. Every class will be performing three songs and each class is in charge of choreographing the moves for one of those songs. Grade 4-6 students have been busy creating moves and then learning moves to the other songs - so has poor Mr. Mayes!!!

They can rehearse ALL of the parts, songs and dances here:



Boomwhacker vision!
Boomwhacker vision!


Junior Students have been learning about "anticipating" and "cues" in music, trying to feel when the right time to play is based on where we are within a song. They are playing various songs on a range of instruments and loving it!

Visual Arts:

Welcome back to term 3. We have missed you all and can't wait to get stuck into the next units of work with all of our students. Did you know that we have a dedicated student art wall in the art room? It's a space where students can pop in and have anything and everything hung for everyone to see. I just want to extend my thanks to every students who pops in to show off art from home, sketchbooks and offer work to be hung on our wall. 😊


Here is what's coming up this term...


PREP AND YEAR 1: Exploring the elements of art.

GRADE 2 AND GRADE 3: Sculptures in the art world.

GRADE 4: An investigation into landscapes and Australian artists.

GRADE 5: The history and works of the Archibald Prize.

GRADE 6: Collage and the process behind creating works.


A sneak peek of works from the end of term 2 and beginning of term 3...


Tonal Portraits.
Grade 5's at work.
Skills on show.
Shadow and light.
Tonal Portraits.
Grade 5's at work.
Skills on show.
Shadow and light.
Exploring faces.
Colour matching.
Emotion on show.
Exploring faces.
Colour matching.
Emotion on show.
Those colours!
Playing with mediums.
Watercolours in the works.
Creating swatches.
Those colours!
Playing with mediums.
Watercolours in the works.
Creating swatches.
Mini landscapes.
Kenny Pittocks
Incognito entries.
Mini landscapes.
Kenny Pittocks
Incognito entries.
Just enjoying art.
Preps on show
Those cheeks!
A splash of pink and green.
Just enjoying art.
Preps on show
Those cheeks!
A splash of pink and green.