
Prep/1 Rhyming Dust Bunnies
Prep/1 students having been learning about rhyme. They have enjoyed listening to the story ‘Rhyming Dust Bunnies’. The story is about Ed, Ned, Ted and Bob who are dust bunnies and love to rhyme. The students identified rhyming words in the story and produced new rhyming words to rhyme with car, bug and log. Students loved retelling the story and made their favourite dust bunny and wrote their favourite list of rhyming words.
To finish off the rhyming unit, students made their own Rhyming Dust Bunnies book to read and share with their families. Well done, Prep/1s for your great learning about rhyme!
Footy Day:
We have made it to the last day of Term 3!
Our champion Prep/1 students are all decked out in their favourite sports team attire!