
Plastic Free July

Plastic Free July

Here are some tips to help you make waste-free lunch boxes a reality:

  • Buy mini containers and compartment lunch boxes (small hands can help pack their own lunches!).
  • Buy snacks in bulk like unsweetened yogurt, hummus, cheese or crackers, and dispense into small reusable containers as required.
  • Many fruits and vegetables come wrapped in their own ‘natural packaging’, such as tomatoes, snow peas, oranges, bananas, baby cucumbers and beans.
  • Include fruit and vegetables in your child’s lunchbox every day. It’s a great way to make these foods a normal part of your child’s life, which can potentially lessen waste and reduce grocery costs.
  • Always pack a refillable bottle of water, or a frozen water bottle on hot days.
  • Wrap sandwiches in a cloth napkin, reusable beeswax wrap or a paper bag. 
  • Have children choose from a list of healthy, package-free options, and assist in making their own lunch to avoid uneaten food.
  • Buy seasonal fruit and vegetables to save money and reduce food miles. 
  • Avoid buying individually-wrapped snacks, squeeze pouch yoghurts and single-use sandwich bags.