Education in Faith News

A Pentecost Prayer


Whirlwind Spirit of God,

Roar through our timidities and fears,

Shake the foundations of our ill-placed securities,

Sweep away the cobwebs of our apathy,

Blow down the walls that separate us, 

one from another.


Then into all our empty spaces, 

breathere-strengthened courage to challenge injustice,

renewed belief in the urgency of our vocation,

revitalised passion to change our lifestyles,

re-dedication to speak only words that build and unite.


Let gentle breeze and still small voicebecome in us today mighty wind and loud proclamation.


Make of us a Pentecost people! 





The Foundation Students reflect on the significance of Pentecost in the life of the Church.  We are reminded how we can call upon the Holy Spirit to support us in our endeavour to be our best selves.




First Reconciliation

On Wednesday and Thursday evenings, the Year 3 First Reconciliation candidates took part in this very special sacrament which celebrates God's forgiveness.


The students had been doing lots of work preparing for the sacrament both in the classroom and with their families.


The Reconciliation ceremonies were very meaningful occasions during which the students did a wonderful job of reflecting on times when they had made mistakes and recommited to being more positive and caring followers of Jesus moving forward.


We thank all the families and staff members who helped prepare the students so well.

Special thanks to our celebrant Fr Kevin, who made all the candidates feel so comfortable during what can be a daunting step in their faith journey.


Thank you also to our RE Leader, Annmaree Hoy who co-ordinated the ceremonies and the preparation of the candidates so beautifully.