Stage 3 Grapple Expo

This Term Stage 3 have been learning about Animal Adaptions in Inquiry. Their research questions were:


· How do physical conditions affect the survival of living things?

· How do the structural and behavioural features of living things support survival?


Students chose a biome and created a diorama as part of their presentation. Students learnt about a range of inquiry skills such as:


- Research skills

- Finding reliable sources

- Teamwork

- Creativity

- Collaboration skills


Students had a rubric to follow throughout the inquiry process. This gave them a criteria to follow in order to be successful.


Last Thursday 22nd June students had the opportunity to share their presentations with their parents, peers and Stage 2 students. This was a wonderful celebration of students presenting their work to our school community. We had a great turn-out of parents and they were able to enjoy a warm cup of coffee!