Principal's Message

by Ms Reynolds


What a term - full of productivity, enthusiasm and some great learning showcases. I'm so proud of the work students and staff have been doing this term to build deep, authentic learning and to engage collaboratively within classrooms and across our school. 


This term we have seen:

  • some new things - a new canteen, a refurbished sandpit a new outdoor learning space and garden and a new music program (Amplify)
  • some great opportunities for students - theater excursions, trips to the zoo, Bell Shakespeare performances, asthma art making workshop, Press gang, and our Coonamble trip
  • some learning showcases - our expos, story-time, open classrooms, Learning Conversations and our student newspaper
  • some celebrations - Mothers Day, Reconciliation Week, Biggest morning tea for the cancer council, Gold Badge, Pro star Pizza Party and Celebration Assembly.

I wish you all a safe and happy winter break. Enjoy the Sydney sunshine.


School returns for students on Tuesday 18 July, 9am with a special GEPS-Fest in the hall for NAIDOC week.

Pyjama Day
Pyjama Day
Our garden learning area is ready for plants!
Our garden learning area is ready for plants!