Classroom News


Kinder Teacher Visit

Last Friday we had some very special visitors in Foundation classrooms. The wonderful educators from Teesdale Kinder came to see some of their past students and celebrate the successful transitions they have had. During this time, students read a decodable text to their senior buddy and created puzzles together. It was a highlight of the week! A big thank you to the kinder teachers for taking the time to visit. 



Students have been exploring addition and subtraction strategies in Numeracy! Students use the vocabulary of ‘part-part-whole’ when adding or subtracting numbers. They can describe how two parts added together make a larger number and how you can take a part away from a whole number to subtract. 


Premiers Reading Challenge

Congratulations to all Foundation students getting involved in the Premiers’ Reading Challenge! We have been adding books that we have read here at school. Some of our favourites in the last week have been ‘This Moose Belongs to Me’ by Oliver Jeffers, ‘Zog’ by Julia Donaldson and ‘Arnie the Donut’ by Lourie Keller. Keep up the great work!


Visual Art

The Junior Students have finished their paper rainbows and were very excited to take them home. We have learnt about Claude Monet and the juniors have started a lily pond finger painting. The middle and senior students have had a wonderful time working with clay across the last two weeks. The students have welocmed the challenge of decorating their dragon eyes with paint.  Their dragon eyes are amazing and all of the students should be really proud of their art work. Well done everyone!


Junior School News


Over the last few weeks, Junior students have been learning about the four seasons. We have explored how the different seasons feel and look around the world. This week we are investigating the six seasons of Kakadu! Students have been learning to write persuasively, trying their best to convince us of the best season! 


Performing Arts 

This term in Performing Arts students have been bringing ‘Where the Wild Things Are’ to life! They have created a range of ‘freeze frames’ to depict different scenes, used instruments to create soundscapes, and created masks of the wild things. Junior students have done an amazing job bringing this story to life! 

Senior School News

Since the beginning of term, senior students have been learning about The Renaissance. A completely brand new topic to many of us – students have learned about historical events, important figures and major inventions during the time. We have researched and taken notes about Gutenberg’s printing press, Michelangelo’s impressive Sistine Chapel and of course Leonardo da Vinci’s incredible career. Using SPOs (Single Paragraph Organisers), we have pieced together our knowledge and new vocabulary to create informative paragraphs on chosen topics. Check out some of the fantastic work below!