School News

Mr Irwin's Message

Hello families and welcome to this week’s newsletter.


2024 Enrolment

A fortnight ago we had our enrolment information evening for prospective families and it appears we are going to have another healthy enrolment of students for 2024. It was an enjoyable time to begin meeting with new families and welcome them into our school. Our students are proud of their classroom learning environments and had left them looking clean and organised for our new visitors. 


For families with siblings or families residing in our enrolment zone, enrolment forms can be downloaded from our website via the enrolment page and returned to school with the required information by July 28th. Returning a completed enrolment form is not confirmation of enrolment. Families will be provided with confirmation of enrolment by Friday August 11th. 


Our how to enrol page on the school website has all of the information needed regarding how to enrol at Teesdale Primary School. How to Enrol - Teesdale Primary School (


Should you need any support to enrol, or, have questions regarding enrolment please feel free to contact the school for assistance. 

Semester Reports

At present, teachers have begun conducting assessments with students to begin completing and finalising semester reports. I’ve been impressed with the attitude students have shown towards these assessments which shows in the overall growth we’ve seen across the school. Semester Reports are released to families in the last week of term via the Sentral Parent Portal. Now is a timely reminder to make sure you have Sentral access to view these reports when they are released.


In early Term 3, we will have Student Learning Conferences, where students showcase a portfolio of work from Semester 1 to their parents with the support of their teacher. The format last year was well received for the insight to student’s learning these conferences provided. What these conferences do not provide, is the chance to discuss your child’s semester report. If you would like the chance to do this once reports are released, or, you want to touch base regarding your child’s learning progress at any time, you are most welcomed to contact your child’s teacher and schedule an appointment with them to do this. 

Pupil Free Day

Finally, a reminder of Friday’s Pupil free Day. Care is available via Community OSH if required for all families. Bookings are essential. Have a fantastic week and enjoyable long weekend.


Bye for now! 

Congratulations Ryder

Since the beginning of the year Ryder is now a sponsored rider and was selected to be in the first of its kind junior motocross race team (JMSIXTWO Racing). This opportunity has been nothing short of amazing for Ryder and his confidence on and off the track. Ryder is currently sitting 1st position in VIC State Titles and 1st place Western Regions .. easy to say these early knock offs from school for coaching are paying off haha ;) 

Big things are coming in the next month for Ryder too. He will be competing in the Hattah Desert Race in Mildura which is a 2 hour endurance race which he was selected for based on his 2nd place position last year and from there the family will trek to Darwin for the AJMX Australian Junior Titles which is a solid week of racing against the country's best junior racers! We wish you all the best Ryder.

Karter’s World Greatest Shave Fundraiser

One of our Foundation students Karter is fundraising for the World’s Greatest Shave! He has been growing his hair for over a year and a half and it is now at a length where he can donate it to someone who has been impacted by cancer. If you would like to donate to Karter’s fundraising efforts, please scan the QR code below. He will be getting his hair cut at the last assembly of the term. Well done Karter! 

Crazy Hair or Hat Day

In support of Karter's contribution to the Leukaemia Foundation's Worlds Greatest Shave, on the last day of term students can come to school with crazy hair or wear a hat. 

OSH News

Healthy Lunch Box Choices and Nude Food

Please help reduce waste in our school by packing 'Nude Food' (food without excess packaging) and whole foods or unprocessed foods in your child's lunch box.  Click here for further resources and 'Healthy Lunch Box' suggestions or to download the Pick and Mix poster for the fridge!