


2023 Vinnies Winter Appeal


Last Wednesday, we wore our warm winter woollies while considering others who are not as fortunate as ourselves. During the day, students participated in learning opportunities that helped them to better understand our call to discipleship. We are called to think of others each and every day, especially the poor and marginalised.


We raised awareness of homelessness in Australia and I am delighted to announce that we also raised $700.00. Thank you for your generosity!  Together, we can achieve so much more and this money will help St Vincent de Paul to make a difference.


The Sacrament of Confirmation


Congratulations to our Holy Family students who received the Sacrament of Confirmation last Friday evening. We celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit in the Sacrament of Confirmation. This Sacrament challenges us to listen and be more open to the Spirit in our lives as we hear again Jesus’ message and our call to discipleship. The gifts of the Holy Spirit help us to live like Jesus did.


Liana Stella