The Push-Up Challenge

We did it!
I have done the Push-Up challenge in past years and personally find it to be such a beneficial event and challenge. When the opportunity to bring this challenge to MGSC presented itself, I was excited to see where the school community would take this event.
This year, MGSC participated as a community in the challenge. We have had 150 students, 10 parents and 24 staff take with 173,000 push ups or exercises completed and have raised over $4,400 for Lifeline.
With the conclusin of the 2023 challenge, I would like to give a massive thank you to everyone who has participated, they will each receive house points that will go towards the House points. I would also like to thank all the supporters, and those who have donated, for making this event such a success.
Can’t wait for next year!
Caity Hughes (Year 11)