Teaching and Learning

Lions Public Speaking Competition

Our school based competition will be held today,  Thursday June 22nd at 2pm at the school. We invite any family or community members who would like to come along and give some moral support to our students and listen to some great speeches from our Year 3-6 students to please join us. 

Students who make it through to the next round will compete against the East Loddon students on Tuesday July 18th at 6pm at Dingee. 

News from the Year 3-6 Room

CPR For Dummies     By Kiara

Last Friday, there was a big emergency, someone was laying on the floor with no arms or legs. Oh no! What should we do?  A lady walked in and then it hit me, it was not a body it was a dummy and we were learning CPR. The lady was from St John's Ambulance and she explained how to do CPR. The kids then split into four groups, each with a dummy in front of them. We got on our knees and started to do CPR. Luckily we managed it successfully and save the lives of dummies! 


Playing Jenga    By Skylar

I played a giant game of Jenga, let me explain. Last Friday, the whole school went to Inglewood Primary School for an Emergency Day. Firstly, I went to the session with the SES and I walked around the SES truck. I noticed they had a lot of red things- this is so 

 objects glow or stand out in the dark, in storms or in floods. We used the Jaws Of Life to move giant blocks of wood; just like in the Jenga game. Usually, the Jaws Of Life take the rooves and doors from cars that have crashed and trapped people inside. Luckily, there were no crashes, just giant blocks of wood to move around.   


Wasting Water For a Cause      By Lily

We learned about fire fighters last week. We got to squirt the fire hose. A kid from another school was being silly and put his hand in front of the jet of water- it could have taken his skin off! The CFA lady went crook at him. I was called Sniper-Girl by a CFA Member, because I hit the tennis ball off the cone straight away. Everyone had their go, there was a massive puddle on the grass. It was a great day out.  



A Boat Out Of Water     By Mia

Were you looking for us last Friday? You would not have found us, because we were at Inglewood Primary School. We were all in groups, my group went to the SES rescue boat first. The boat is owned by the SES and I thought it was a pity that they didn't put it in any water- there seemed to be a bit on the grass, left by the fire brigade! 

The SES use the boat for rescues in floods and for helping on small islands. The boat has 

 life jackets, they are bigger than normal and they had reflectors on them too. I hope never to see the SES boat in a real emergency situation.    


News from the Year P-2 Room

Another busy Term for the P-2 children.

In Maths we have been discovering the difference between 2D and 3D shapes. The Preps have made a booklet of the most common 3D shapes and  Year 1&2 have followed the answers to complete a colouring picture.

In our Topic Work we have learnt about forces such as pushing, pulling and what a magnet will attract.

We combined with Mr. Collins class and made rockets which we made fly in the air (not quite into space). We had a Scavenger Hunt sheet which we took home last week, and we will discuss the results in our next lesson. Thank you to everyone who helped the children to complete these.

I hope that everyone has a lovely two weeks holiday and we will see everyone back next term.

Thank You

Last week our we were very fortunate to be gifted some donations of books (one for each student) from the Terry Floyd Foundation. During MARC Library each student was able to choose a book to take home. 

Our school also takes delivery of a box of fresh fruit, juice and bread each month, donated by the Terry Floyd Foundation- we use this for our breakfast club and for fruit snacks for our students. 

We are so grateful to Darryl Floyd for including us in his generous support via the Terry Floyd Foundation. 


Last week in our MARC session we were lucky to have Tam and Ryan visit Raywood. 

These are the very clever people behind the IN Mag. We had time to look through the magazine, talk about the things we loved and give feedback on things we would like to see included. 

Each student has taken home a bookmark with the QR code and instructions on how to upload their own content for Ryan and Tam to consider for the next publication.


Above is the link to their website to look at the fabulous things happening in the world of kids magazines!

** We have sent home permission forms for each family and this will allow us to submit work done at school (such as art work, stories, projects etc.) on your child's behalf- this saves parents the bother of having to do this. If selected for the IN Mag, only first names of students are published along with their age and home town. Thank you to those families who have already signed and returned these forms; if you are yet to to do, we ask that this please be done as soon as you can. Thank you. 


We have been learning a range of papercraft skills. Our students were particularly proud of their paper weaving- and we will turn these into laminated placemats to be used for Breakfast Club.

Below are some of our 3D sea creatures that we created from patty pans to show texture and movement. We placed these on our bubble printed backgrounds.