From the Office
News From the Principal
A reminder that the end of Term Two is tomorrow , (Friday) . School will finish at 2.20pm - this means the bus will make the afternoon run one hour ahead of the normal time. School will resume for Term 3 on Monday July 10th, with lots of exciting learning opportunities and events for our students.
As a special end of term treat for our students we will provide a hot dog lunch on Friday. There is no cost to families for this lunch (other than a smile and a thank you from our students as they chow down).
I would like to wish all of our students and staff a safe and happy holidays. I hope that whatever you have planned that you are able to keep warm. Thank you to everyone for another wonderful term at Raywood Primary School.
Student Reports
Mid-year Student Reports - were sent home with students yesterday in paper format. These reports are also available on uEducateUS (please note that the online format does not include an explanation of which teachers are reporting in particular curriculum areas, nor does it include an explanation with regard Auslan Reporting).
If parents would like to make a time to meet with their child's teacher, please contact the school and we can arrange a mutually suitable time to meet to discuss your child's progress and/or address any concerns. Please remember that we are only too happy to meet with parents at any stage during the term (or take a call if that suits families better) to discuss our program, your child or any other school related matters.
East Loddon Food Share
On Monday our Year Six students went to participate in packing the food hampers that are kindly organised by the East Loddon Food Share. I know that families really appreciate the donated goods, especially prior to the holiday break. Thank you to Mr Collins for his transportation services and to the team at East Loddon Food Share.
School council News
On Monday evening our School Council met.
Council discussed hosting a fundraising even to help offset the cost of the two camps (Year 3/4 and Year 5/6) this year. We agreed to try a Cookie-Dough Fundraiser, which involves us selling pre-made cookie dough (which can be kept in the fridge or freezer until you are ready to use). This fundraiser is unlikely to raise us a fortune, but it is hoped it will contribute a little something towards offsetting the costs of the camp for each family. A fundraiser such as this is not designed for our families to simply buy the goods, but rather reach out to their friends, extended family and community to see if they would be happy to make a purchase and help support the school. More information on the fundraiser will be available in early Term 3.
Whole School Excursion
On Friday August 11th we are heading off to Melbourne for the day to visit two exciting venues. We will visit ACMI (Australian Centre for the Moving Image) to explore an exhibit on Screen Culture as well as the other general exhibits. We will then head skyward to visit the Eureka Skydeck and experience their 6D cinema to get a unique tour of Melbourne. We will be traveling from Bendigo Station by V-Line Train, as it is easier to navigate to our venues this way. This is a low cost excursion as we successfully applied for travel subsidies. All the details families need are on uEducateus- we ask families to read, sign and organise payment before August 7th. We are looking forward to a fabulous day as a whole school!
Group Day at Inglewood
Last week we ventured over to Inglewood Primary School for a day of Safety and Emergency Services related activities. We joined students from Bridgewater and Inglewood Primary as well as those from St Mary's in Inglewood. Our students participated in sessions ran by the CFA, St John's First Aid, SES and for the junior students a Teddy Bear Hospital.
We had a great day and all of our students were excitedly talking about what they had done, all the way home (which is always a good sign). Thank you to the staff from Bridgewater and Inglewood schools for organising this event. Some of our students wrote reports on an aspect of their day, these can be found in the Year 3-6 News section on the next page of this newsletter.
That's all for this week- Lisa Duffy