School of Entrepreneurs

News from the School of Entrepreneurs 


From the SOE Head of School


As we approach the school holiday period, I welcome you to the final edition of the NET for Term 2 from the School of Entrepreneurs. 


At a time in the year where students receive their academic report and reflect on their learning growth throughout Semester One, it is important that we adopt a reflective, growth mindset to ponder the achievements, celebrations and learnings to come moving forward. I am thrilled to celebrate the incredible achievements of our students in Semester One and the multitude of opportunities for students at St Luke’s as the year progresses. As we all reflect on the remarkable growth and achievements of our students, we are inspired by their unwavering dedication, passion and resilience. In our dynamic learning environment at St Luke’s, we have witnessed a vibrant tapestry of curiosity, creativity and collaboration unfolding before our eyes. Through engaging lessons, innovative technologies and diverse extracurricular activities, our students have embraced the joy of inquiry and exploration, empowering themselves to reach new heights of knowledge and understanding. Together, we celebrate the transformative power of the education we offer and the boundless potential it holds for our young learners. I am proud of our students and am grateful for the unwavering support of our dedicated parent school community, whose partnership has been instrumental in shaping their learning progress this year thus far. Let us continue to foster a nurturing environment where every student can thrive, as we embark on a journey of limitless possibilities together. 


I wish the students from the School of Entrepreneurs a restful and safe holiday period where they can recharge their batteries ready for a busy Semester Two.


God bless. 


Ms Jacqui Genovese - Head of School, School of Entrepreneurs 






YEAR 9 Forensics Elective

Year 9 Elective Forensics class has been working this term on “How can we analyse evidence from crime scenes?” From investigating bitemarks to considering how fire spreads in arson cases, we have been busy exploring how tools and techniques can help in this field. Last week we practised our dissection skills using probes, scissors and scalpels investigating the muscles, tendons, ligaments and bones of chicken wings. 



YEAR 9 Life Design - Entrepreneurial Unit

Term 2 has seen our Year 9 Life Design students form groups to create a scalable, innovative business solution to a problem that matters to them. Along with various ideation strategies, project management planning, prototyping and much group driven learning, students have been able to interact with external entrepreneurs. These experts, Activators, have listened to students' problems, discussed possible solutions and have provided valuable feedback to groups around viability of the product or service, how to monetise their solution and real world strategies to navigate challenges of startup companies. Students have enjoyed the real world connections and made some incredible progress in developing their business ideas.




The next phase of the students' learning was to prototype! So many draft versions of their products and services have been made, received feedback and improved upon. These prototypes could be in many forms: 3D computer models, physical prototypes as well as models made from alternate materials to showcase the characteristics of each product.


All groups will be presenting their business solution in an expo like forum in Week 10. 




YEAR 9 Geography 

In Year 9 Geography students are currently working on their second assessment task for their area of study ‘Changing Places’. In this assessment task, our students are town planners who are creating a new town that focuses on being sustainable while also catering to a growing population. This assessment has allowed for great discussion and debate in class regarding what sustainability is and how we can create strategies that can be economically, socially and environmentally sustainable for the people who live there. The other great thing about this task, is that it is focusing on issues we are currently seeing throughout the world and proposing solutions to address some of these issues.

This assessment task has allowed the creativity of our students to be seen, and provided our students a new way to show their understanding. We are very impressed with their efforts so far!







YEAR 12 Music 

On Thursday 8th June, The Year 12 Music 1 class attended ‘Meet the Music’ concert at Sydney Opera House. The students enjoyed watching conductor Masaaki Suzuki, with performances of Great Mass in C and Mozart’s Overture from Don Giovanni.


“The choir in the great mass was impactful”- Ethan Tungul

“ Will assist me in my learning. By watching the layout of the live orchestra, I can now visualise them when I hear the music” - Declan Yates


“ The choir and individual operatic vocalists were my favourite” - Lino Vuli


The students were accompanied by music teacher Mrs Sampath-Sawtell and WSU practicum teacher Miss Magtibay.


Mrs Sneha Sampath-Sawtell

CAPA Teacher



Year 11 and 12 Biology & Investigating Science FieldWork Day

Biology and Investigating Science students participated in an Ecology fieldwork day last week to investigate the abiotic and biotic factors of our urban environment. Despite the foggy, damp weather, they tested soil and water physicochemical qualities and took measurements of the abundance and distribution of plant life using a variety of tools in the field. As part of their depth study, Biology students will be making recommendations about how Western Sydney councils can take steps to improve the biodiversity of our urban ecosystems. 







  • Year 10 Subject Selection ‘pitch’ presentation beginning Term 3: more information will be distributed before the end of Term 2