Year 11 News

Tim Pitt & Ebony Tate | Year 11 Coordinators

Subject Change Forms Due- 14th June


Change of Semester-19th June


Subject Changes

Subject change forms will be available from Monday 5th June (week 7) for students that are considering changing classes. Students and families will have until the 14th of June (week 8) to return the forms. 

We will do our best to accommodate all requests, however there are several considerations to take into account, including class sizes and timetable clashes. Students approved for a new subject are expected to obtain a copy of the textbook and any other resources required for that class.

At the moment, your focus should be on making sure you are completing all assessment tasks and work requirements for your current subjects to ensure you obtain a pass. 

Further details will be provided on Monday 5th of June during a year level assembly. Please ask your coordinators if you have any questions after the assembly.


**Update** The year 11 team is currently processing change of subjects. If you have not been to see us yet and have questions please do so ASAP.



The midyear formal exam week for unit 1 and 3 subjects has been cancelled. Year 11s, please attend school and follow your normal timetable during that time. Some subjects will still run exams in class to best prepare you. End of year exams for unit 1-2 and 3-4 subjects will still run.



We would like to remind everyone that wearing school uniform is always mandatory during school hours. In particular, please be aware of the following uniform requirements.

  • Only Horsham College bucket hats and beanies are acceptable headwear. Beanies are available for purchase in the front office.
  • Navy blue or white long sleeves may be worn under school shirts or dresses. Hoodies or long sleeves in other colours are not appropriate and students will be asked to remove them.
  • Students may wear Horsham College shorts or pants, but not tracksuit pants.

If you require support for any reason in obtaining uniform, please contact the Year 11 team. Please bring a note signed by a parent if you are out of uniform.