Year 9 News

Maddy McQueen & Joanne Merryfull | Year 9 Coordinators

Great work this term Year 9s! There have been a few events going on, but you have handled it all really well. Some notices and reminders for the upcoming term:


NAPLAN Rewards Day & Interim Report Rewards

SRC reps are currently putting together some ideas for a rewards day in the last week of term for all year 9s who completed the NAPLAN testing. We will also be looking at rewarding those students who received outstanding interim reports. Stay tuned for more information or please let us know if you have something in mind you would like to do.




Borrowing & returning laptops

Please ensure you are returning laptops at the end of each day if you borrow one from the library. Lots of students are keeping them in lockers which is not allowed.


Truancy from classes

We have had a few challenges with students being outside of class without permission, but there should be no excuse for being outside of class without a diary signed by your teacher. This includes being late to class. Please also ensure you are taking your books to Form Group for periods 1&2 every day.





Semester 2 classes

Semester 2 timetable begins in week 9. We have had some students want to see/ change their timetable, but the process will be the same as at the start of Semester 1 - please make sure you fill in a Change of Subject form before coming to see your coordinators.


Celebration of the Value Winner for the month (2 students)


These students who have received the most values in the past month. They received a voucher for the canteen:


Ava Rowan 

Jessie Mcivor