Year 8 News

Justin Chilver & Sam Hoffman | Year 8 Coordinators

Welcome to the end of Semester 1! Congratulations to all Year 8s!


The Year 8 Team encourages our Year 8 students to continue to work to the best of their ability and show respect to all students and all staff at the college as Term 2 draws to an end. We are all proud of your efforts this term and hope you are as well. Keep up the amazing effort and continue to follow the HC values: Care, Character, Commitment, & Collaboration.



Teachers are busy working on completing your reports this week. Students are finishing off all their assessment tasks and work requirements. It has been such a busy term and we are finally starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Keep up the great work and effort!


Semester 2

The last week of Term 2 will see the change over of semesters. If students are interested in changing subjects they can see the Year 8 Team and get a change of subject form. This form needs to be filled out and signed by parents/guardians and returned to school. If a change is possible a change can be facilitated. 



As the cold weather has set in, a reminder to all about wearing the correct school uniform, HC full uniform details can be found on the school website.







General Reminders:

  • Please keep the Year 8 locker area tidy.
  • Ensure that you make it to all classes on time and come prepared. (Diary, device (charged and with charger) & subject-specific materials)
  • Please remind your parents to contact the school if you are going to be absent.
  • Please keep phones in your locker during school hours.
  • Respect the Year 8 toilets



A reminder that Horsham College has a schoolTV subscription and is a great resource for all family members to use. It can also be found on the HC website.