Alternate Programs

Liam Offer - Assistant Principal VCM VM

As we near the end of Term I would like to acknowledge the work that has been done by staff, students and parents to make this year productive and enjoyable. As it gets darker and colder I urge students to continue to attend and parents to stay in contact with staff if your child is unwell.

Term 2 can be quite the challenge as can the holidays. Please take the time to recharge the batteries enjoy some time at home if this is enjoyable as well as appreciate the hard work that has been put in. There are services in Horsham to support as well as agencies online if the need arises in the holidays.

Term 3 kicks off on July 10 as we work through a cold winter to achieve results from the students’ Individual Education Plans.

Thank you to families for the support at the beginning of the year. Please reach out to staff if you have any questions or concerns.


McKenzie Creek

The first half of the year has flown by at Mckenzie Creek as students have pushed themselves to overcome challenges and achieve success in a range of areas.   






During semester two, year 7 and 8 students applied their mathematical knowledge and skills to some real-world problems, such as how much would it cost to pave certain areas of the Creek (measurement), how to test and measure the impact of variables in a balloon car experiment (statistics) and calculating the best options for hiring a bus service (algebra). Students have also been engaging in the Essential Assessment platform, strengthening the foundations of their mathematical knowledge.



In English students have been developing their creative and persuasive writing skills. This term they have worked on pitching ideas for improvements at the Creek and places they would like to go on excursions. In small guided reading groups students have also been working on their reading and comprehension skills as well as working with Ms Anna Naylor on spelling and phonics through the SoundsWrite program. 

During Tuesday sessions, students have also been looking at the “My 24” videos around various life experiences from students of different backgrounds. With the students' guidance, we have been looking at critical thinking through buzzfeed unsolved mysteries and myths.



In P.E and SEL, students have been working on building their teamwork skills and physical fitness. During cooking students have been developing their skills in the kitchen and following recipes to make a range of different dishes and treats. Whilst in woodwork students have built objects such as a toolbox, cd holder, and other interesting objects. Excitingly, students were also involved in the recent Horsham Arts Council Production of “Seussical the Musical”. Students assisted with constructing and setting up the space and were awarded with their own copy of the program, a pair of purple shoelaces from the Maddie Riewoldt Foundation, a Horton the elephant painting and a certificate.

We look forward continuing to celebrate the year so far and work towards more exciting things to come.