

& Wellbeing

Melissa Twaddell, Louise Amor,  Shannon Argall & Liam Offer

The winter solstice, the day of the year with the least daylight hours (22nd June) is almost here. This signals that we are right in the middle of the cold weather and a reminder for correct school uniform. No hoodies of any description, instead, long sleeve t-shirt tops of navy blue or white can be worn under school tops. Shoes should be all of one colour including soles – black. Students can purchase Horsham College beanies and scarves from the admin office for a small fee. These two items were developed and designed by our VCAL students a couple of years ago as a school project and one that we would encourage the students to support. Just remember if your child is sick please keep them at home and contact the absence hotline to explain their absence.

Student reports

Teachers are in the middle of finalising marks for work requirements and various assessment pieces and following up students for redemptions for a satisfactory grade. Please have a chat with your child about any outstanding work to complete before the holidays. If your child is studying VCE, and they received an N grade, now is the time to have a chat with them and support them to ensure they can complete the work for an S grade and perhaps use the holiday break for some of this catch up. Reach out via seqta direqt message to your child’s teacher if you need.

Semester 2

From Monday 19th June, VCE Units 2 and 4 will officially commence and for the junior students, there will be changes of subjects/electives and new timetables. Some senior students will have applied to swap subjects. This is a good time for all students to look through your pencil case and other equipment and see if you have enough stationery items and workbooks to start a fresh and be prepared for term 3.

Careers Expo

The Careers team are busy preparing for the annual Western Victorian Careers Expo to be held out at the Wimmera Events Centre in Longerenong on Tuesday 20th June. Attending this year are all year 10, 11 and 12 students at designated times. It is important that students have returned their permission slip prior to attending. Students are to be wearing full school uniform and to bring snacks, lunch and their water bottle. Note: the canteen options are limited. This day is an important one, where students can get a taste of different types of careers, hear from people already in their field discuss the type of job they do, actively participate some trades eg. brick laying, and talk to the exhibitors from the various local and further afield universities. Be sure to ask all the questions that are buzzing around in your mind about what uni life is like, and what living on residential campus is like. The day is a must experience for all young people to pursue and experience their future pathways. Any questions please contact Mr Dean Berger or Mr Heath Schulz.


The General Achievement test was held on Thursday 15th June for students going scored in VCE or VCE VM studying a unit 3/4 subject. The GAT assess’ students’ literacy and numeracy skills against standards, and is a quality assurance tool against VCE assessments. Many thanks to Mr Nick Rigas for organising all the lunchtime student meetings leading up to the actual day, and all the staff involved on the day.


Rip and Roll!

We are proud to extend an invite to all our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and families to attend ‘Rip and Roll!’ at Horsham Lanes and Games this week. See details below.


This is probably the last newsletter for term 2 before the holiday break, so thank you to all our students, parents and families for your continued support. Please take care over the holidays and we will see you all back here again refreshed for a new term on Monday July 10th.