Student Academic Counsellor

Mrs Bonita O'Brien

Change to Semester Two

Semester one is fast drawing to a close and we need to look ahead to subjects in semester two.  For our students in the years 7-10, this may mean beginning new subjects.  For example, year 7 students might be changing from Home Eco to Woodwork or vice versa; it is important to look at what you need to have for these subjects, making sure that you have the correct equipment and are prepared for the new class.

Some students in years 8 – 10 may be looking at changing subjects.  Please remember, that to be able to do this, you need to speak with your Year Level Co-ordinator and fill in the appropriate forms.  Please do this as soon as possible and your Year Level Co-ordinators will be able to talk with you about your choices.

Even if you aren’t changing subjects, now is a good time to sort through your locker and bag and see if there is anything you can take home and if you need to purchase some new exercise books or other equipment; I have recently noticed that a lot of students do not have a scientific calculator that is required for all mathematic classes in years 7-10. 

Bonita O’Brien
Student Academic Counsellor