Principal's Report

Mr Rob Pyers | Principal

End of Term 

The end of term has arrived, and once again it has been a busy time at Horsham College.

We have had a number of events including camps, excursions and incursions, and it is reflective of the commitment of staff at the College to provide a broad education which connects with the local community and the world we live within.  Horsham College is committed to ensuring that the challenges of distance and location do not impact our students’ education, and to embracing the benefits of our environment and the opportunities it provides our community.



Casual Day – Flannelette Shirt or Oodie Theme – Gold Coin Donation for Wimmera Health Care Group Foundation


Next Friday the College SRC will be coordinating a casual day to support the Wimmera Health Care Group foundation. The day will be a flannelette or Oodie day, with all students expected to bring a gold coin donation.

We will also be holding a whole school BBQ to celebrate the end of semester 1 and the start of semester 2. 


School Review – Parent Survey

Our school review has been underway this term, with staff working on the Pre Review Self Evaluation. As a part of this process a number of parents will have, and will be sent, a link to complete a quick survey.  We encourage families to complete this survey by the due date, next Friday 23rd June.



End of semester reports will be going out to students in the coming week.  This is a great opportunity for families to sit down with students and discuss their report, progress, successes, and opportunities.  Our College’s success is based upon students, staff and families working together, and we encourage parents who have concerns to contact staff to discuss support.