Monday 9 October

National Anthem performed by the Ovenden Band conducted by Mr Morrissey with vocals by Jessica Silberthau and Jessica Sweeney

Musical Item performed by Ovenden Band, performing March to Nowhere by Vaclav Nelhybel

College Captains - Tarkyn Isaacs & Victoria Polites conduct their final Assembly.

Mr Dick reports on Writer of the Month Competition and Writer of the Year

Winner of Writer of the Year

Gilmore Vice Captains - Eliza Sharp & George Prountzos present Sport Report

Mrs Schmidt presents the Winner of the House Cup

Winners of the House Cup - Flynn

Olivia Smith & Jason Zhang present the Red Earth trip immersion to Arnhem Land

Blake Seufert, School Systems Manager presents Annual Award

Annual Award Winner

Mr Chamontin reports on events in the Languages faculty

Mr Law announces the winners of the 2023 McK Chess Championship.

Chess Club Championship Winners

Mankinnon promo video

Mr Kan farewells the Year 12s