As we move into the final part of the school year it is important that students are maximising their learning opportunities in all their subjects. In order to have informed conversations with your child about their learning, please remember to access assessment feedback via Compass Learning Tasks.
Once teachers have finished marking a task, they will post the result and comments online for both students and parents to read. This information, together with the feedback provided in Progress Reports and Parent-Teacher-Student Conferences, will greatly help families work together with the school to improve student learning.
Please remind your children that if they are experiencing a problem with their Chromebook they need to contact our IT Support team on or visit the IT Office in person. One of the benefits of our Chromebook program is ensuring all students have a device that is under warranty - this means that if our IT team cannot diagnose/fix the problem on the spot, we will organise the repairs for you. This is designed to save families time.
Please note that accidental damage is not covered by the warranty, hence the need to look after the device carefully. If repairs are required, a loan Chromebook will be made available. If you notice a problem or have a question, please don’t wait - contact our team so we can resolve the issue as soon as possible and minimise any disruption to student learning.
ELMS Entrance tests will take place Term 4 Week 3 (week commencing Monday 16 October). All registered families have now been notified via email of the upcoming events.
We ask that any registered families that have not received this information, to carefully check their inbox (including SPAM and Trash folders) and contact Peter Quinn ( immediately if they are unable to locate this information.
A reminder that all students must enrol to Stile to register and sit these assessments. This should be done immediately if it has not been completed already. Updated Stile codes will continue to be published within the Compass Events.
Any student that has not registered in Stile will not be able to sit the entrance tests.
Full uniform requirements for the college can be found here.
Up until Melbourne Cup Day (Tuesday 7 November), students at all year levels can choose to wear either; the full winter uniform, full summer uniform or full PE uniform (only if they have sport/PE on that day).
After Cup Day, all students must be in full summer uniform ONLY. Please be reminded students will be expected to wear PE uniform when required as part of the timetable.
Bob Stewart Uniform Supplier
- Location: 466 Centre Road Bentleigh
- Phone number: 9036 7384
- Trading hours: 8:30am – 5pm (Mon to Fri), 9:30am – 12:30pm (Sat)
Information is available here for pricing and ordering.
If for any reason your child is not in correct school uniform, they must report to the Student Managers at the start of the day for a uniform pass.
We would like to remind parents/carers that if your child needs to leave during school hours (e.g. for a medical appointment), please write a note in their school diary or in letter form.
You may wish to do the following as well:
- add an attendance note log in via Compass
- call absences - 8520 9050
- email
Students then need to show the note to their classroom teacher and then sign out at the General Office.
If a student is unwell they are NOT to contact their parents directly to ask to go home. Should a student be unwell they are to attend the Health Centre to see the school nurse. The nurse will then contact parents/carers for permission for the student to go home, if required.