i Sea, i Care: Victorian Marine Ambassadors Program at St Simon’s

The Dolphin Research Institute

World Oceans Day 

On Thursday the 8th of June was World Oceans Day, we encouraged students and teachers to dress up in a costume that related to the ocean or to wear warm comfortable casual clothes for the day. We asked students to bring in a gold coin donation for the Dolphin Research Institute. 


We are proud to announce that our St Simon’s school community raised $397.25 for the Dolphin Research Institute. What a fantastic effort!


World Oceans Day, (WOD) every year on the 8th of June. This day reminds us about the important role the ocean has in the lives of ourselves and others. Our six Victorian Marine Ambassadors students did an amazing job sharing their knowledge about marine life and how we can keep our oceans clean. The Prep students and other classes enjoyed the talks organised by our Victorian Marine Ambassadors. 


Thank you to Annabelle Eimermacher, Rohit Khanna, Neisha Beatty and Elijah Roughan, Conor Nyholm and Shanisse Mathes for organising the day and it was a great success. We may even have some future primary school teachers in the making! 


 Monica Rayner


Deputy Principal 

Teaching and Learning 

Maths Leader