Junior School News

What's happening in Years 7, 8 and 9.

Congratulations to our Year 9 award winners

Congratulations to our Year 9 students who received awards for improvement and achievement in a special assembly last term.


“These awards recognise your excellent efforts in the classroom. We see you trying and we see you succeeding and that’s something worth celebrating,” Junior Sub-School leader Ryan Lok told students. “Well done to all of you.”


The awards were shared between students who have shown the most improvement in class and those who have demonstrated excellence in their work. Out congratulations to all these incredible Glenroy College achievers.

Chocolate helps students 'get' maths ... and here's proof!


Our clever Math teachers harnessed the undeniable power of chocolate to help Year 7 students grasp the tricky math concept of probabilities this term. 


"They loved it, they just loved it," Math teacher Ms Migilino said. "It made the Math much easier to understand. It's hands-on and it's visual and it helped the students make a real connection to what they were being taught and how probability works.


"We did have a number of students who ate their m&ms before the lesson started. We'll have to work on that!"


Probability is about calculating the chances that something is going to happen. Understanding probability is important for Year 7 students because it links to fractions, ratios, decimals and other concepts they will learn this year. In real life, probability is used to forecast the weather, to figure whether a medical treatment is likely to work and to work out accident risks, among other things.


Students who would like to explore more maths, or get math help, can see Ms Miglino in the library every Monday and Wednesday after school until 4pm.

No business like snow business

Congratulations to the Junior School students who visited Lake Mountain on 20 June, 2023. This excursion was no ordinary trip; it was a reward and a celebration of the school values those students uphold every day at Glenroy College: Integrity, Respect, Achievement, and Teamwork. 


The excursion was an overwhelmingly positive experience. Lake Mountain's pristine snow-covered landscapes provided a unique environment where students from different year levels engaged, collaborated, and built stronger relationships. The experience allowed them to bond over a common and novel experience – a significant aspect of student development that goes beyond textbooks and classrooms.


One particularly touching feedback from students was about feeling more connected to Glenroy College. They appreciated how their hard work was celebrated in such an unforgettable way. This unique experience strengthened their sense of belonging, further highlighting how the college is more than a place of learning—it is a community that supports, rewards, and cherishes its members.


At Glenroy College, we believe in creating environments that inspire, motivate, and challenge our students to be the best version of themselves. This snow excursion was one of the many ways we aim to fulfil this mission. We value the growth of our students in all aspects. We recognize their efforts, applaud their achievements, and celebrate them. We believe this practice is essential to shaping confident, well-rounded individuals ready to face the world.

Year 9 boys' adventure camp

Year 9 boys attended the Doxa Camp on the last 3 days of Term 2 as part of The Rite Journey Program within Projects. The aim of the camp was to challenge our students with a variety of activities, ranging from bush walking in near 0 degree temperature, to overcoming their fear of heights with the giant swing and wall climb. All students were also in charge of setting up and cleaning up for all meals. 


 Some impressive achievements included Ehab Taleb taking just over 20 secs to complete each of the two wall climbs, a number of students regularly hitting the bullseye in archery and Moustafa Allouche going to the top of the giant swing ( after being bribed with Gold Cards).


Students and staff had a fabulous time, even with Mr Turda's early-morning airhorn wake-up calls - with the camp achieving its goal of preparing students for late adolescence and adulthood.