Grade 2

Explore the Learning in Grade 2



This term in Reading, the Grade 2 students are focussing on identifying the features of Non-Fiction texts, exploring the perspectives of different cultures and making connections to what they read. They will be using their senses to tune into the settings of stories and inferring how characters feel according to their actions. Later in the term, the students will be celebrating all things Reading with Book Week celebrations in week 7!




This term the Grade 2 students will be planning, drafting, and publishing both Fiction and Non-fiction texts to be shared at our Grade 2 Writer’s Festival late in Term 3. Alongside publishing their exciting texts, they will also be building proficiency with spelling and grammar through exploring word types and continuing with Smart Spelling. Finally, they will be continuing to use their Writer’s Notebooks to brainstorm ideas.




In Maths this term, the Grade 2 students will be exploring the use of Australian Money and Financial Maths. As we build towards introducing multiplication and division, students will also explore using skip counting to build knowledge of multiples and factors and applying that to solving algorithms. Later in the term, the students will be exploring Measurement through Area and 3D Shapes. Finally, they will finish the term with Fractions and Problem Solving.




Our Inquiry topic for Term 3 is investigating different cultures around the world. We will be looking at the similarities and differences in the way children around the world attend school, celebrate occasions and live life on a day-to-day basis.


Key Dates:


Friday August 25th: Book Week Parade 9.15am

Friday August 25th: Grade 2 Writer’s Festival