JLA News

The JLA students have settled in well into the new school year, getting to know their teachers and peers and establishing classroom routines. This term, as part of our Inquiry focus ‘Identity and Perspectives’, we have been investigating the meaning of the school dispositions Curiosity, Risk Taking, Collaboration, Creativity and Resilience. We have been exploring how we, as learners, connect to the dispositions and we have started to think about the different ways we learn.


When looking at our identities, we have come to discover that we are all unique, however, we also have some commonalities between us. In Mathematics, the JLA students have been collecting data, creating graphs and interpreting our graphs about many different topics. The photographs you see are pictographs related to our identity. We investigated the number of people in our families by posing the question, ‘How many people are in your immediate family?’ After collecting this data, we were able to create a class pictograph. From here, we interpreted the data by generating statements. What do you notice about our graphs? Many of our families consist of 4 or 5 people, and only a few have 3 or 6 members. But we have come to understand that we all belong to loving families, no matter how big or small!


Have a look at some of the other pictographs we have created related to our identity, in the JLA area.